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张娟 副教授

上传时间:2021年09月08日 20:04 浏览次数::811



Email: juanzh74@ldu.edu.cn




1997年毕业于河南农业大学农学专业,获学士学位;2000年毕业于河南农业大学作物遗传育种专业,获硕士学位;2005年毕业于中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所遗传学专业,获博士学位;20055月至20088在美国Donald Danforth Plant Science Center进行博士后研究;20088月在鲁东大学工作至今。主要从事大豆的耐旱、抗盐的分子生物学研究;主持国家自然科学基金一项,农业部转基因专项子课题一项。发表SCI论文10篇,专利项4。参与编著多本国内外专业书籍。


1. 农业部国家转基因重大专项, 子课题, 2016ZX08004002-006, 抗逆转基因大豆新品种选育, 2016.01-2020.12, 主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,31100218,大豆香豆素生物合成途径的酶学催化机制及其调控机理研究,2012.01-2014.12,主持。


1. Zou X, Guo L, Huang L, Li M, Zhang S, Yang A, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Zhang H, Zhang J*, Feng Z*. Pathway construction and metabolic engineerin g for fermentative production of β-alanine in Escherichia coli, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 104: 2545-2559.

2. Yu T, Yin Y, Ge Y, Cheng S, Zhang X, Feng Z*, Zhang J*. Enzymatic production of 4-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde by oxidation of the amino group of tyramine with a recombinant primary amine oxidase. Process Biochemistry. 2020, 92:105–112

3. Duan C, Mao T, Sun S, Guo X, Guo L, Huang L, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Li M, Sheng, Y, Yi Y, Liu J, Zhang H, Zhang* J. Constitutive expression of GmF6H1 from soybean improves salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019, 141: 446-455

4. Feng* Z, Zhang* J, Chen G, Ge Y, Zhang X, Zhu H. Extracellular Expression of L-Aspartate-α-Decarboxylase from Bacillus tequilensis and Its Application in the Biosynthesis of β-Alanine. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2019, 189: 273-283

5. 赵齐,冯志彬,秦雪,徐勤省,任梦云,潘潇,张洪霞,张娟*. 特基拉芽孢杆菌精氨酸酶基因的重组表达及酶学性质. 食品科学,2018, 398):77-82

6. 王蕾,张娟*,魏丽娟,刘林德.大豆GmF6’H1基因的克隆及验证. 西北植物学报. 2015, 35(2)213-219

7. 魏丽娟,张娟*,王蕾,刘林德,赵同欣,黄清荣.南蛇藤脯氨酸脱氢酶基因的克隆和表达特性. 植物学报. 2014, 49(6)682-691

8. Zhang J, Subramanian S, Stacey G, Yu* OFlavones and flavonols play distinct critical roles during nodulation of Medicago truncatula by Sinorhizobium meliloti. The Plant Journal. 2008, 57, 171-183.

9. Li L, He H, Zhang J, Wang X, Bai S, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Young ND, Yu O, Deng* XW. Transcriptional analysis of highly syntenic regions between Medicago truncatula and Glycine max using tiling microarrays. Genome Biology, 2008, 9(3), R57

10. Zhang J, Subramanian S, Zhang Y, Yu* O. Flavone synthases from Medicago truncatula are flavanone-2-hydroxylases and are important for nodulation. Plant Physiology. 2007, 144: 741-751

11. Yuan Y, Zhang J, Wang D, Ling* H. AtbHLH29 of Arabidopsis thaliana is a functional ortholog of tomato FER involved in controlling iron acquisition in strategy I plants. Cell Research. 2005, 15(8):613-621.

12. Zhang J, Zhu H, Liang H, Liu K, Zhang A, Ling H and Wang* D. Further analysis of the function of AtBHLH29 in regulating the iron uptake process in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006, 48: 75-84.

13. Liu X, Liu X, Zhang J, Xia Z, Liu X, Qin H, Wang* D. Molecular and functional characterization of sulfiredoxin homologs from higher plants Cell Research. 2006, 16:287-296.


1. 张娟;冯志斌;陈国忠. 一种酶法合成L-2-氨基丁酸的方法, 中国, 专利号:ZL201710331654.6

2. 张娟;冯志斌;张洪霞;王力敏. 一种枯草芽孢杆菌及其应用, 中国, 专利号: ZL202010925776.X

3. 张娟. 一种氨基酸发酵的废液净化装置, 中国,专利号:ZL2020226675964

4. 张娟. 一种用于氨基酸发酵生产中的冷凝器,中国, 专利号:ZL202022667599.8


1. 主编 李玲,何国振;副主编:黄胜琴,曹世江,李桂双,张娟。植物生理学实验指导,2021,高等教育出版社

2. Zhang J, Yu O (2008) Metabolic engineering of isoflavone biosynthesis in seeds. In Modification of seed composition to promote health and nutrition. Hari Krishnan (ed). Agronomy Monograph Series.

3. Zhang J, Subramanian S, Collier R, Taylor CG.  and Yu O (2006) B Protocol for non-axenic A. rhizogenes transformation of M. truncatula. In The Medicago truncatula handbook. Ulrike Mathesius (ed). The Samuel Bobert Noble Foundation. (http://www.noble.org/MedicagoHandbook)